News & Events

Weekly Bulletin

Click the picture to download the bulletin for use in worship. The bulletin contains the weekly announcements and scripture readings.

Advent & Christmas Family LiturGies

Download a copy of this booklet to use at home during Advent and Christmas. It contains liturgies for Advent and the Twelve Days of Christmas: Advent and Christmas Family Liturgies.

Fall Calendar

You can download a copy of the fall calendar here:
Saint Nicholas Church Fall Calendar

Membership Guide

Click below to download an electronic copy of the guide being used for our small group studies:
Living the Gospel Together Membership Guide


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Bring the whole family for Lessons & Carols this Sunday at 5 pm. Afterward, we'll enjoy Christmas cookies, hot chocolate, and s'mores on the porch by the fire. Hope to see you there! ... See MoreSee Less

Bring the whole family for Lessons & Carols this Sunday at 5 pm. Afterward, well enjoy Christmas cookies, hot chocolate, and smores on the porch by the fire. Hope to see you there!

We will adorn the altar with poinsettias on Christmas Eve and the following Sunday. If you'd like to dedicate a poinsettia, please fill out a dedication card this Sunday and drop it in the offering plate.
Alternatively, you can email the church office with your dedication information.

The suggested donation is $18 per plant. Please write "Poinsettia" in the memo line of your check! Checks may be placed in the offering plate, mailed, or dropped off at the church office. Or, donate through Paypal Giving and email the church office to let us know you made a donation earmarked for poinsettias. Be sure to click "share my name and email with this charity" when donating so we can credit you.

When emailing the office or filling out your dedication card, please include your name ("Given by") and the dedication ("In memory of / honor of / or thanksgiving for _______).
... See MoreSee Less

We will adorn the altar with poinsettias on Christmas Eve and the following Sunday. If youd like to dedicate a poinsettia, please fill out a dedication card this Sunday and drop it in the offering plate. 
Alternatively, you can email the church office with your dedication information. 

The suggested donation is $18 per plant. Please write Poinsettia in the memo line of your check!  Checks may be placed in the offering plate, mailed, or dropped off at the church office. Or, donate through Paypal Giving and email the church office to let us know you made a donation earmarked for poinsettias. Be sure to click share my name and email with this charity when donating so we can credit you.  

When emailing the office or filling out your dedication card, please include your name (Given by) and the dedication (In memory of / honor of / or thanksgiving for _______).

3 weeks ago

St. Nicholas Church

Please join us Friday, December 6 at 6 pm for our Saint Nicholas Day celebration! (Please note the service will be at 6 pm. This is the corrected start time.) A catered feast will follow in Jacoby. ... See MoreSee Less

Please join us Friday, December 6 at 6 pm for our Saint Nicholas Day celebration! (Please note the service will be at 6 pm. This is the corrected start time.) A catered feast will follow in Jacoby.

4 weeks ago

St. Nicholas Church

Mark your calendar! Join us for our Saint Nicholas Day celebration on Friday, December 6 at 6 pm (worship followed by a catered meal) and for Lessons & Carols at 5 pm on Sunday, December 22! ... See MoreSee Less

Mark your calendar! Join us for our Saint Nicholas Day celebration on Friday, December 6 at 6 pm (worship followed by a catered meal) and for Lessons & Carols at 5 pm on Sunday, December 22!

4 weeks ago

St. Nicholas Church

Please join us this Sunday for Worship & Holy Communion at 10 am as we welcome a new member to the Saint Nicholas Church family. ... See MoreSee Less

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